Submit a Run Report

We welcome reports from club members about races or events. Please use the form below to send in your stories. The form makes our life easier and makes publishing the report simpler.

If you have a problem with the form you can e-mail your report to us. The web officers will receive your report and format it for publishing on the website.

There are no ‘rules’ on how to write a race report. It’s up to you. The best thing is to read some of the old reports on the website then have a go. There is a huge diversity of stories on the website. Add your experience and be part of the club’s archive.

Run Report Form

    First, tell us who you are. You must be a member of Elvet Striders to have a report published on the website. You don't need to have finished the race, or even have taken part. You could be a supporter, organiser, marshall, or DNF. It's your experience of the event that's important. And the more members who write about an event the better.

    Tell us when it happened. Don't worry about the format.

    Where was it? Roughly? If the location is obvious from the race title (e.g. "Darlington 10K" or "Liverpool Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon") you can leave this blank.

    You'd be surprised how many Striders forget to tell us the name of the race they ran. Don't worry about precision. We'll try and match the name with previous events so that it's easy to read all the reports for that particular race in one place. And remember, it doesn't have to be a race. It could be a social run, a training run, or a particular Wednesday night club run that you've enjoyed and wish to share.

    Ok, the main bit. Paste the text of your report below. Probably best not to just type it in. Keep a copy just incase anything goes wrong. Don't worry about formatting. Just paste in the text. And if the race was a disaster, share that too. We have plenty of race reports from members who had a terrible race. They often make the most interesting reports!

    Attach any photos below (optional). Note there's no limit on image size but huge photos might be a problem.
    Please get the permission of the Photographer (especially important if the image is watermarked)

    Thanks using this form. When you click on the Send button you should get a confirmation message to say that your report has been sent. THIS MESSAGE APPEARS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE AND IS EASY TO MISS. If there are any problems, e.g. your photos are too big, you should have a chance to correct them. You should also receive an automatic acknowledgement e-mail.

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