Category Archives: High Cup Nick

Run Reports/Fell/High Cup Nick/

High Cup Nick 2106

Dufton, Saturday, February 27, 2016

BM / 9.3 miles / 1509 ft

Camilla Laurén-Määttä

This is a race I’ve always wanted to do but somehow it has always clashed with cross country. This year it did overlap with the XC Nationals, so with the number of Striders heading to Dufton this year the Striders XC team was probably smaller than it could have been. We added up to a … Continue reading High Cup Nick 2106

Inov-8 High Cup Nick

Dufton, Saturday, February 28, 2015

BM / 9.3M / 1509'

Nigel Heppell

High Cup Nick is just that; a nick in the western Pennines escarpment not far from Appleby-in-Westmorland; not any old nick but a long, deep, glaciated valley cut through many different layers of rock laid down over eons and characterised by an impressive ledge of dolerite/basalt Great Whin Sill delineating the perimeter. For the last … Continue reading Inov-8 High Cup Nick

High Cup Nick Fell Race

Dufton, Saturday, February 25, 2012

BM / 9M / 1500'

Dougie Nisbet

There’s a wonderful elegance to this fell race. The long dramatic ascent up High Cup Gill is striking with its snake-like line of runners stretching ahead and behind you as you scramble up over the boulders. Mostly ahead of me to be honest, with just a small bit of tail behind me. The hand-over-hand climb … Continue reading High Cup Nick Fell Race

High Cup Nick Fell Race

Dufton, Saturday, February 28, 2009

BM / 15km / 460m

Two reports, first from Dougie Nisbet: Dufton is quite a bit further from Durham than you might think, and if you don’t want to arrive 15 minutes before race start in a bit of tizz, it’s worth being a bit more organised than I was. I registered, relaxed and looked around. Hallo, what’s this, another … Continue reading High Cup Nick Fell Race